Importing lists of barcodes into item review files

SCS files contain a barcode column. These are used to import barcodes into review files for further processing.   The following are instructions for importing barcode lists.   Note that the next release of Millennium release 2013 and Sierra 2.0 are scheduled to have a built in utility to do this.

For partners with III Inventory Control

Following basic instructions on Importing barcodes into a review file from Bates College. This uses the Offline Circ module and the character based Inventory Control. In general the steps are:

  1. Create a text file that contains only the barcode column.  Do NOT make lists longer than 50,000, as there seems to be a size limit somewhere around 53,000.  It is better to do these in small batches.
  2. Prefix each barcode with n:
  3. Save the file as circ.dat in C:\Millennium\Offline\. (On a mac use /Users/{username}/Millennium/Offline/)
  4. Open Millennium Offline Circ
  5. From the File menu, choose: Upload circulation and patron data.
  6. The system asks: Is the server ready to accept data? Click Yes.
  7. Dialog box should appear saying: [x] circulation transactions have been sent. Click OK.
  8. Dialog box asks: Clear circulation file? Click Yes (NOTE: this empties the current circ.dat file.  Make sure that is what you want to do.)
  9. Dialog box says: Cleared circulation file. Click OK.
  10. Exit Millennium Offline Circ.
  11. Complete the following from the character based system:
    • C > Circulation
    • P > PROCESS PC transactions
    • C > Compare inventory to shelf list
    • T > Transfer file of barcodes to a Review File.
    • Key the number of an empty list, making sure the file size (listed on the right) is large enough.
    • Name the list
    • Once you name your list, the system presents files waiting to be transferred. Key the number of your file.  File names are in this format: rdi[2-digit month][2-digit date][6-digit time] (e.g., rdi0906103215 was converted from circ.dat on September 6 at 10:32 AM).
    • If all barcodes transferred:
      • system says: 1 Transfer complete. Remove transferred file? Reply: y
      • Q > Quit (multiple times) to Main Menu.
    • If all barcodes did not transfer:
      • system says: View [1] item that did not transfer? Reply: y
      • Print the barcodes(s) by choosing P – you will want to examine these. They may be “multiple entries (#) found” – bound with items or “no entry found” – deleted items. See “Handling Exceptions” below.
      • Go back one menu by choosing Q > Quit
      • Choose T > TRANSFER file of barcodes to a Review File
      • Choose an empty review file and name it test
      • Choose R > REMOVE inventory files. Key the number of your file.
      • Q > Quit (multiple times) to Main Menu.

For partners without Inventory Control

IF you do not have the inventory control module, follow these instructions from the IUG clearinghouse on using internal use counts. (Note that you need to log into the IUG site to use the above link.)

Handling Exceptions:

Bound with Items: these appear as multiple hits and do not import.  These will need to be reviewed manually.

Deleted Items: in the first round of retention commitments, single copy, deletions may be ignored.

Note that there are also many records which lack a barcode, particularly in special collections.  These have been being imported via Expect scripts.


MSCS >> People >> Technical Services Subcommittee >> Importing lists of barcodes into item review files